Helping you to find the home of your dreams in San Antonio and beyond from start to finish.

Walkability And Schools

Look up your aligned school district to see if a community is right for you.

Great Schools Rankings

A common site for prosepctive buyers to review feedback for particular independent schoold districts (ISDs) is Great Schools

We would encourage all new buyers to look up their aligned school district to see if a community is right for you.

Below are some of the ISDs in the San Antonio area in our featured communities.

San Antonio Walkability Score

A Walk (Walkability) Score, as well as a Bike Score and Transit Score, are assigned to a addresses or an entire region. The scores rank addresses and communities throughout the United States that help determine how walker and biker friendly an area is. This can be a very important factor when it comes to buying a new home.

Visit the Walk Score site below for more information.

Contact us for any questions on our area schools and walkability.